

Gasp, groan, whimper, whine,howl
Gasp (惊讶或疼痛时)喘气,倒吸一口气 
例句:Everyone gasped when she said she was getting a divorce. 当她说她要离婚的时候,大家都不禁倒吸了一口气。 

Groan (因不高兴,疼痛,或失望)呻吟,叹息 
例句:I groaned when the alarm went off in the morning. 早上闹铃响的时候,我不满地呻吟了一声。

Whimper (低声的)呜咽,啜泣
例句:The dogs are whimpering because they need to go out. 狗一直在呜呜的叫,因为他们想出去。 

Whine (令人厌烦的)抱怨
例句:She’s always whining about her work. 她总是在抱怨她的工作。 

Howl 嚎叫,嗷嗷叫 
例句:Barry howled in pain after he stubbed his toe. Barry脚趾被刺穿后,痛得嗷嗷叫。

Glance, stare, gaze, gape,glare
Glance (短暂的)扫视;瞥一眼 
例句:My girlfriend caught me glancing at another woman. 我女朋友抓到我瞄其他的女生。 

Stare (长时间的)目不转睛的盯着看。通常是因为生气,惊讶或无聊。 
例句:Why are you staring at me? You’re making me uncomfortable. 你为什么盯着我看?你这样让我觉得很不自在。 

Gaze (长时间的)注视,凝视。通常是对对方有敬仰或者爱慕之情。 
例句:We gazed into each other’s eyes and all was forgiven. 我们凝视着对方,一切都放下了。 

Gape (张着嘴)吃惊的看(不是很常用哦)
例句:I gaped at the amazing scenery. 我目瞪口呆地看着这神奇的景色。

Glare 怒目而视 
例句:When the boss glared at him, he shut up. 当老板凶狠狠的盯着他时,他就不说话了。

 Compress 压缩(使节省空间)。比如:压缩空气,压缩文件。
例句:The blanket can be compressed into a small bag. 毯子可以被压缩到一个小包内。
Condense 凝结,浓缩。比如:蒸汽凝结成水。
例句:The magazine condensed my entire article into one paragraph. 这个杂志把我整篇文章浓缩成了一段话。
Constrict 收缩(变得更窄,更紧)。比如:血管收缩,瞳孔缩小。
例句: Some chemicals can constrict our blood vessels. 有些物质可以收缩我们的血管。
Squeeze 紧握,挤压。比如:挤柠檬,挤痘痘。  
例句:Can you squeeze some lemon juice on my fish? 你能在我的鱼上挤点柠檬汁吗?
Zip 本身【作动词】表示拉上,拉开。
Can you zip my dress?能把我的裙子拉链拉上吗?
在电脑术语中,zip做动词表示“压缩”;也表示一种压缩的格式,这是由Phil Katz在1989年发明的。    
例句: I zipped the file. It’s now only 2MB instead of 1GB. 我把文件压缩了。从1个G压缩到了2兆。

